Cele mai proaste versuri
In 1992, "Rhythm Is A Dancer" a lui Snap era melodia ce agita ringurile de dans, dar pe langa acest succes, melodia a obtinut "distinctia" pentru cele mai proaste versuri ale tuturor timpurilor, intr-un top realizat de catre www.magpiemusic.com.Topul CELE MAI PROASTE VERSURI arata cam asa:
1. I’m serious as cancer, when I say rhythm is a dancer – Rhythm Is A Dancer, SNAP!
Sunt serios ca si cancerul, cand spun ca ritmul e un dansator.
2. I don’t want to see a ghost, it’s a sight that I fear the most, I’d rather have a piece of toast, watch the evening news – Life, DES’REE
Nu vreau sa vad o fantoma, e imaginea de care ma tem cel mai mult, mai bine as manca o felie de paine prajita cand ma uit la stirile de seara.
3. Is that yo ass, or yo mama half reindeer? – Shake Ya Tailfeather, NELLY, P DIDDY & MURPHY LEE
Este acela fundul tau sau mama ta este jumatate ren?
4. He was a boy, she was a girl. Can I make it any more obvious? – Sk8er Boi, AVRIL LAVIGNE
El era un baiat, ea era o fata, as putea fi mai explicita?
5. I love you like a fat kid love cake – 21 Questions, 50 CENT
Te iubesc cum iubeste un pusti gras prajiturile.
6. Time is like a clock in my heart – Time (Clock Of The Heart), CULTURE CLUB
Timpul e ca un ceas in inima mea.
7. You got a Prada bag with a lotta stuff in it – Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It, WILL SMITH
Ai o geanta Prada cu multe chestii in ea.
8. Lucky that my breasts are small and humble, so you don’t confuse them with mountains – Whenever, Wherever, SHAKIRA
Noroc ca sanii mei sunt mici si umili, ca sa nu-i confunzi cu muntii.
9. She had dumps like a truck, truck, truck – Thong Song, SISQO
Ea avea chef de cearta ca un camion, camin, camion.
10. Only time will tell if we stand the test of time – Why Can’t This Be Love, VAN HALEN
Numai timpul va spune daca vom trece testul timpului.
Pro fm alcătuiește un top cu cele mai proaste versuri românești. Cred că ar trebui alcătuit un top 100 ale melodiilor românești pentru că sunt prea multe.
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